Monday, 6 April 2009

Just before doing my 10m run in Rome

Feels Good To Be Back!

Well, its been quite while since my last blog. Had quite a lot going on in my life since then.

In my last blog (Nov 2008), i said i have to stop running. I had a little chat with myself and accepted that and had mentally accepted that i wouldn't be doing my planned marathons of Rome and London for 2009. I was all prepared to do just gym work and non-impact excercise.

However, i wasn't prepared for redundancy on 3rd Dec. So, what with the stress of losing my job , i also couldn't run!! So the 2 things in my life that take up a lot of my time and 2 things that i really love in my life had been taken from me within a matter of a week or so.

When i went to see Keith (physio), i was in a pretty bad state of mind, what with having no job and feeling pretty useless and on top of that, not being able to run. So, he allowed me to do 20 mins outside running - very slow and on grass. My achilles was feeling better and he thought that it would help my mental state and help me to feel more positive. But if there was any reaction to the 20 mins, once or twice a week, i would have to stop.

So, lucky for me, i didn't have any bad reaction to the 20 mins and i was continuing to make progress with repair of my injury. I was religiously doing the exercises in the gym he was giving me and trying to keep up the cardio doing other things in the gym.

After 5 weeks, i managed to find a new job..... in a gym!! And at around the same i was told by Keith that i could start doing a little more than 20 mins as i was making good progress.

So week by week, i was able to add a little more. But im trying so hard not to make the mistake i made the last time i had time off and thats to "come back" too quickly. I upped my mileage too much too soon last time and i think that contributed to the injury returning - or maybe it just wasn't properly repaired at all. I took a month off after London 2008 (Keith told me then i should have 3 months off and i said NO WAY, i will do a month) On reflection, i know now, if i had have taken 3 months off , i would have been doing my marathons this year, 2009 - but, hey, you learn from your mistakes!

So, ive been gradually increasing my time, not worrying about the mileage, just trying to get used to running again. I remember that before, an hours run was quite a short one - "a quick hour" i used to think!! An hour recently has felt like AGES!!!!! - That was now my long run. Its amazing how your perception changes.

So, i was all booked up and had paid for Rome, but obviously cannot run 26.2 miles! I had decided that i would still go and support and see a marathon from "the other side". As the time came nearer, i was able to run 10m, so i thought i would do 10, then drop out. I thought id be fine with that, but when it came to the day, i was soooooooooooooooo gutted that i wasn't doing it all. I did drop out at 10m, having run with Jo S and i really enjoyed it. Ive never dropped out of a race, so it felt quite weird. As i walked back to the start/finish area (thanks to Jo S and Jons excellent directions) - i got lots of "oh dear, poor you, you've had to drop out" looks from the spectators!! I wanted to say, "actually, this is exactly my race plan!!"

I have been pleased that i dont seem to have lots too much speed. Im having to work harder, but it does still seem to be there. Just need to start introducing speed gradually. Ive been more concearned with getting some endurance back, before i worry about speed.

So, far i haven't had any reaction from my running - Keith always says if i get any reaction immediately after a run or the next morning i have to stop - "touch wood", im not getting any............ i just need to keep it that way!!

Ive realised a key part to keeping my injury under control is only running a max of every other day. So far ive been doing 3 times a week but i want to up that to 4. My problem is the more i do, the more i want to do. So, i need to keep a check on it.

London is in a couple of weeks and i was meant to be doing it. I have deferred my place. I am going to go and spectate, but i know im going to feel a bit weird as i was meant to be running it and have done for the last 3 years. But ive told myself, that this will be the only time i will ever get to watch it as every year, from next year, i will be in it!!

I would like to go back to Rome next year though, to be able to complete it, and Rome was such an AMAZING place....... but i do love running London. But we'll see. I just need to get back to full fitness first and keep injury free!!!

It feels good to be back folks!!